Thursday, September 19, 2013

Best of Facebook Apps: Chronoblade [BETA]

Chronoblade is a side scrolling beat'em up action RPG. It pulls its roots heavily from Diablo type clones with an emphasis on classic side scroller beat'em up's such as TMNT and Bad Dudes.  New players just starting with Chronoblade might be put off by the initial seemingly vague lack of customization and character selection. You start with a single character, but unlock more as you progress through the storyline. There are so many great things in Chronoblade that even though it's in beta, still makes it an amazing Facebook game to play.

The Story

The story in Chronoblade is a bit shrouded in mystery. Since the game is in beta, the full details of it are not yet there. But what we do know is that an evil group of baddies, known as the
Chronarch Imperium, apparently have the ability to travel between multiple worlds in many different timelines for each world. They are hell bent of total domination for an "unknown" reason. Chronoblade has a great foundation for being able to tell a really amazing story. Be sure to check out the official site for more information about it.  The story is a bit too deep for us to cover in our blog, as we could probably dedicate a full blog thread devoted to it. 

How to play Chronoblade and what you actually do.

Following the tried and true formula for classic beat'em up games, Chronoblade, at its core is
simply a game where you take your character from level to level, spamming abilities and skills and racking up a high score and acquire new loot to make your character stronger. All the while, gaining experience points, unlocking and investing in a myriad of new abilities (both passive and active). Chronoblade does an amazing job with both graphics and sound quality. You can also string your basic attacks together to perform a pretty big array of combo moves. Throw in your skills and abilities at the end of a combo and watch your score skyrocket! The control are simply heaven. Moving with the arrow keys and mapping abilities to Q,W,E, and R with potions and other consumables on 1,2,3, and 4 make combat a dream. You also have the ability to dodge and double jump and at some points in the game, it's pretty important to do so.

Chronoblade, still in BETA, still an amazing game!

When it comes to Action RPG's a lot of run of the mill games tend to tunnel you into 4-5 generic
abilities and expect you play with those for hundreds of levels. Chronoblade uses a skill tree based skill acquisition system that offer 2 different specs and a healthy mix of both passive and active abilities. You unlock the skills simply by leveling up and investing points into them. It's simply, effective and extremely fun. Currently, Chronoblade is in beta, so you can only have 2 characters right now. But the character selection screen shows 4, so the amount of replay ability and variety is soon to show up. You will also be allowed to join and form guilds and partake in arena battles.  Once Chronoblade comes out of beta, it could quite possibly be the most fun Action RPG that you can play in a browser.

Don't miss out on this gem of a game!

Chronoblade has a lot to offer despite being in beta. You can level up several characters, farm for the best gear, partake in a leader board tournament to compete against the entire player
base and even dual weld credit cards to buy you way to the top. I've played for several hours and haven't seen a need to pull out a credit card yet so it's not exactly a "pay to win" kinda game. Everything from the skills, to the gear and even the graphics and sound makes Chronoblade really stand out as one of the best looking and played Facebook App currently available.

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