Friday, May 13, 2011

Best Facebook Apps - Age of Champions: First Impressions

The Best RPG on Facebook, enough said
I just cant get over how amazing this game is. It gets its roots from first generation rpg apps in as such where you click the “Do Quest” button to complete quests but it adds its own insane graphical flare and a load of extra goodies that would choke a billy goat! Age of Champions has it all; questing, crafting, guilds, pvp, raids, army building, empire building, army management and outfitting and leveling your very own character is just the tip of the iceberg. The only time you will run out of things to do is when you're out of stamina and/or energy. Even then, the amount of information you need to process and the learning curve has spawned its very own forum! If you're an RPG fan, stop wasting your time with other Facebook apps, start playing Age of Champions now!

Age of Champions – RPG you say?
You start the game by setting up your champion. In Age of Champions you have 3 races to choose from; Human, Elf or Minotaur. Each race has their own benefits and you can change your race at whim. After you've picked your hero you can begin outfitting him with clothing and gear. All gear and clothing will either cost you gold or crystals. You gain gold by doing quests, crafting, raids or battling other players. Hell, getting gold can even be done by claiming rewards from achievements!

Your champion has stats that effect your gameplay. Power, Life, Damage and Protection are the 4 stats that drive the strength of your champion. The higher they are, the better all around champion you become. Once you gain enough experience you can level up each of the 4 stats however you like. Each level up gives you 4 points to spend on any of the four stats.

2d/3d Animated battles and raids
When you battle another player you have the choice of playing an animation sequence that varies depending on your army composition. With a huge selection of different units you can stock your army with, the animated sequences can be pretty entertaining. But watching them over and over can become tedious. Thankfully Age of Champions allows you to skip the battle sequence. It's a bloody display of an epic battle going on and very enjoyable to watch how it changes based on your armies progression.

Raiding is done in a 3dish type animation setting. Once you summon a creature you are brought to a window with you standing before the towering beast. Full animation sequences take place when you attack or cast spells or abilities. Raids also come with a chat box so you can talk with others who join your raid group. It's even equipped with a combat log! Simply insane goodness. Call to Arms a recruit other Age of Champion players to help you bring down summoned beasts for loot!

Questing, not so boring anymore
While Age of Champions tends to follow the tried and true quest design of button clicking quest objectives, it does so with such stylish grace and captivating storyline that it breaths new life into questing. The art effort put forth in Age of Champions make you want to read the quests. The only draw back is that some of the quests are not repeatable. No need to fear as there are hundreds of zones to visit for questing.

Age of Champions is truly an amazing app that shouldn't be missed by any RPG fan who loves facebook apps.

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