Sunday, May 15, 2011

Best of Facebook Apps - Age of Champions: Armies and Supplies

Age of Champions can be a confusing game if you don't know what you're looking for. While it is a facebook game, it still qualifies an an MMORPG. In this post we take a look at building an army and supplying it with the gear you need to be successful in all of your battles to come. For a detailed look at army specifics be sure to check out a previous post Age of Champions: Building An Army for additional information.

Army Basics
Navigating to your army is done by clicking the Army button on your main bar. Doing so will bring up a window that displays information about your army. It shows you how many troops you have and how many of those troops are equipped with items. Typically, you need to always have a full army. Each time you level up your champion, the amount of troops you can have in your army increases. It would be a good idea to focus on quests that grant gold rewards, while leveling up. That way, each time you level you will be able to purchase more troops and be able to gear them. It's a good idea to pick one race and stick with them. This is because stronger troops require certain buildings that you need to construct. There are a limited amount of those buildings you can purchase. If you went with a variety you wouldn't be able to get the strongest human, minotaur and elves for your level as you wouldn't have the space to build the technology buildings needed. Since this is an MMORPG with a lot of players, there are going to be a huge variety of troops compositions that you will eventually have issues with if you don't keep up. 

Supplies and Buildings
Age of Champions is party about gearing up your troops and pitting them up against other players. It can be both a PvP centric game as well as a PvE centric game. Either way you decide to play, you're going to need to invest in troops, equipment and buildings. As you progress through levels in Age of Champions you will be rewarded with vacant lots on which you build a type of building. Thankfully, since this is an MMORPG with thousands of players, adding more allies is easy and it increases the number of lots you have. Farms grant food which increases the amount of troops you can support. Businesses grant you a certain amount of gold. Military buildings unlocks a larger variety of troops for certain races. Technology buildings allow you to purchase more efficient weaponry for your troops. You have a limit amount of lots on which to build. This is why it's a good idea to pick one race for your troops and stick with it. If you reach level 100 or higher and you have a mixed army, you wouldn't have the lots to build all the buildings required for the strongest troops for each race. This would leave your army weak and you would find yourself having a hard time when you do battles.

Depending on the size of your army, you are going to need a healthy mix of farms, businesses, military buildings and technology buildings. As you progress through the levels in Age of Champions you will need to build more farms to increase the amount of troops you can support. Military and technology buildings should be purchased as necessary. Keep an eye on those two as they can be switched out as you play. Businesses are situational and can be used to help you earn more gold to purchase more troops and supplies. While you can earn gold through quests, you eventually run out of energy to do quests. Your businesses are constantly generating you income so long as you check them when they are completed earning you the maximum amount they can earn.

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