Saturday, May 14, 2011

Best of Facebook Apps – Age of Champions: Building an Army

Age of Champions is a pretty intimidating game to someone who isn't as seasoned in these types of games. Just navigating to your army can be a challenge. Then you have to equip them with items and be sure to have enough food production to support them all. Not only can you have thousands of troops in your army each needing five different types of equipment, you also get to select between a huge variety of different types of troops. It doesn't stop there because you also have to take into account Titans, Mercenaries and Advisors! Hopefully we can make all this a little bit more manageable with this post.

Humans, Minotaurs or Elven army? Which race is the best?
If you follow the tool tips inside Age of Champions you will see that Humans beat Elves, Minotaurs beat humans and elves beat minotaurs. Most of the minotaurs troops are brute force and have the highest damage output while being able to sustain damage. Humans strike a decent balance between damage output and durability. Elves are pretty much the glass cannons but their huge dps is up to random chance for a increase in critical hits. In other words, elves are capable of crazy damage so long as they stay alive long enough to land critical hits. Overall however, quantity and quality is more important. You constantly want to have as many forces as possible with the best gear for them all. So in the end, whoever has the larger and better equipped army will win. Focus on quality more than quantity however. 300 troops equipped with epic gear will always beat 3000 troops who aren't geared at all.

Military Advisors
In Age of Champions you are able to recruit up to two military advisors at any time. There are a handful of advisors that you will have access to recruit depending on your level. The higher your level the stronger the advisor. Advisors don't fight in battle with your troops, rather they grant bonus's to your troops. Some advisors only buff troops of a specific race so be sure to read the details before you recruit them. A typical buff you would see from an advisor is +1 power, + 1 damage or +1 life. The amount it adds varies depending on the advisor. Some advisors grant only 1 while stronger advisors can grant up to three buffs at once. At any time you are able to recruit an advisor or two you should! Always have two advisors recruited.

Titans and Mercenaries
Age of Champions allows players to summon titans to the battlefield. Titans are basically mini-bosses with a large health pool and they do a lot of damage. Titans are unlocked at certain levels and last for 36 hours once they are cranked. Cranking a titan is the term used for summoning it. All you have to do is get a certain number of your allies to click on your titan. The first titan you have access to is the Scarab Titan and it only requires 5 cranks (or clicks). Use titans whenever you can!

Mercenaries are great if your needing a little extra push while doing battles and you have cash to spare. Don't rely on them too much because you can't equip them and what their stats show is what you get. Basically mercenaries are troops that don't cost you any food and fight with your troops for a few hours. Quantity, length and quality varies depending on price. Use mercenaries at your own discretion but don't rely on them.


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