Saturday, May 21, 2011

Best Facebook Apps – CityVille: Building the Ultimate City Tips

CityVille Game
So I have bee getting a lot of questions about my city and why I built it the way I have. In this post I will spill the beans and let everyone in on my secrets. My city has a max population of just over 12,700, I have just over 40 million in coin. I am currently level 62 and my population is so low because I am trying to staff more observatories. Appster's Town is just about out of room and I really need to focus on getting more permits really soon. However, waiting for permits isn't a bad thing, it's actually a good thing.

Tip #1: Less is more, smaller is bigger
I've seen so many players rush to expand their city as much as possible. While this is the eventual goal all players should work towards, it isn't something everyone should immediately strive for. When you purchase all expansions for your city, there is no possible way you could get enough energy to do all the things you need to do in your city. You can only do a maximum of about 110 action if take into consideration neighbor visits, energy packs, energy bonus from community buildings and the amount of harvesting you need to do. Unless you have a group of neighbors who harvest for you, collect your house rents when they are up, it's just impossible.
CityVille Game

Its for this reason that it becomes necessary to destroy older homes and businesses. For example, when Atrium Lofts unlocks for your city, there is no need for all houses before atrium lofts. Get rid of all homes that don't match the population of your highest population home. Your entire city should only consist of homes that have the highest population. This keeps your population high, saves you energy to do other things and gives a huge boon to your businesses. Instead of buying expansions to place more country homes and bike shops, get rid of older buildings and replace them with newer ones.

Appster currently uses Atrium Lofts and when the next highest population home opens up (parkside villas) I will destroy all atrium lofts and replace them with the villas.

Tip #2: 270% Payout Bonus increase layout
CityVille Game
The key to making more money with less is through decorations. The plan used in Appster's town is a 4x4 business surrounded by two layers of 1x1 flowers and then surrounded by either 11 arboretums or rocky hills and 1 3x3 playground. My highest payout bonus is 277%. You can go much higher than that if you use cash shop items. Its important to use this design for your highest paying business. Appster currently has tower eats as the highest paying business so its used. Simply build these layouts and surround the businesses with your homes. Closer homes will make your businesses cash out faster!

Tip #3: Stagger your crops, shipments
Don't build 40 plots of the same plant and don't send all your ships to the same place. If you do, crops will wither because you will run out of energy collecting crops. Stagger them! Plant 5 of each plant that takes more than 1 hour. Replant immediately after harvesting.

The whole idea of playing Cityville comes to being able to play and getting as much done as possible. Players should strive to keep the city as small as possible. There is no need to purchase all expansions to have 40,000+ population, you can do it just fine with a third of the size. If you're going down the wrong road, stop now and reorganize your city before it is to late.

Do you have any more tips? Post them as a comment! Help out your neighbors!

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