Sunday, December 18, 2011

Best of Facebook Apps - D&D: Heroes of Neverwinter - Full Review

Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter is a fantastic game playable on Facebook. It has enough features to keep the gameplay simple and fun and feed those D&D addicts. You create a character and play through the game in a classic dungeon crawl theme. If you're new to the D&D scene, be sure to check out my introductory post for Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes of Neverwinter here.

Heroes of Neverwinter Rundown
This particular Facebook game doesn't necessarily require a lot of friends, although it does help. Heroes of Neverwinter breaks off from the traditional theme of requiring you to have a boat load of friends. In fact, the entire game can be played and you can progress through it just fine without needing a single friend. You start by creating your character. You choose between one of 4 races and 1 of four classes. After that's out of the way, you can begin doing adventures, killing mobs, killing bosses, collecting loot and outfitting your house with all your achievements. The majority of gameplay lies solely in dungeons. You move your party, room by room, killing everything in your way to complete the small storyline that is specific to the dungeons you are in.

D&D: Heroes of Neverwinter - How to Dungeon Crawl
Once you set up your character, recruit a few friends (or AI controlled characters) and stock up on consumables, you're ready to set off into dungeons. There are hundreds of dungeons to play through, however, most have level restrictions and energy costs associated with them. If you have the energy and meet the level requirements, you can join the dungeon.

Heroes of Neverwinter is a turned based game. Which means that each of your players will make their move and/or attack and then its the bad guys turn to do the same. Attacking an enemy is as simply as clicking on them and picking the skill/ability you want to use on them and assuming you are in range, the action will be done. Using abilities on yourself, such as healing, require you to simply click on the character and then the skill/ability you want to use. This continues until you complete the quest and clear the dungeon.

Heroes of Neverwinter - Tips and Tricks
Watch out for traps and try to always bring a rogue to disarm them and help with unlocking locked doors and treasure chests. While you can purchase items that will unlock them for you, it will cost you Astral crystals, which in turn cost real life money and we don't want to spending real money on a game. You also run out of energy fairly quick in Heroes of Neverwinter. One or two dungeons will quickly expend all of your energy. Energy automatically refills per 1 point every 6 minutes, which means you could use a full energy bar doing dungeons every 1.5 hours.

Aside from purchasing energy refills and the unlimited energy bar (that will set you back about $50!) you can add some friends and get them to use you in dungeons. This opens you up to being able to enter a spectator mode where you can watch your friends dungeon and see how they did with your character. During that time, your energy is regained faster.

Recruit either computer AI companions or real players. There is no benefit over one another aside from the fact that you have to purchase computer AI companions with gold. Try to have an even party with at least a rogue and a cleric in every party so you can have a healer and someone to help disarm those pesky traps and unlock doors and treasure chests.

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